Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Midnight Madness Week #16 (MMSC16)

The weekly BONUS WINNER for MMSC15 is
83. Magda

The MMSC15 bonus gift is being donated by SUNSHINE’S STAMPS Magda please email me your address so I can forward it to Christina from Sunshine's Stamps and she can send you your goodies :)

Just a quick update…My daughter is recovering nicely and I am just trying to keep her hydrated for the most part. She has been such a trooper during this whole thing. Thank you again for all your well wishes and personal emails. I was very touched by all the love, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would also like to thank the Midnight Madness Design Team for holding down the fort these last few days. I did not have a chance to comment on the MMSC15 cards, but will be playing catch up as soon as I can. I would like to take this time to also WELCOME all our new players. We had so many new people joining us this last week and are very thrilled about it. We hope you will keep coming back to play with us week after week. We are very close to having 300 different players in our challenges and the team is planning a big celebration. The details will be revealed in the coming future. I am excited to say, that we have a new Guest Designer for Sept and are now on the search for an October Guest Designer, so keep those projects coming and just let us know you are interested in the October spot. I will be posting who it is very soon. Melissa Bove has done a great job being our August Guest Designing Diva and will be sharing a tutorial this week with everyone, so keep in eye out for that coming on Wednesday. This is your last week to get in the drawing for Jeni’s Challenge Candy and the Simon Says Stamp $50 voucher. So keep those entries coming :) You have till Midnight EST 8-29-09 to get your MMSC15 entries in for last weeks sketch. One winner will be drawn for our weekly BONUS GIFT give away from SUNSHINE’S STAMPS Wednesday, so check back for that. If you miss the deadline, you are still welcome to link up to Mr Linky, but any entries after the "LAST CALL" will not be in the drawing.

Each week we awarding a special Badge Award to one person for their outstanding sketch submission. If you would like to be considered for this award, please make sure your card link is posted to Mr. Linky by Sunday of each week. This is our way of let you know how wonderfully talented you are and how much we appreciate you sharing your craft with us. This week we are proud to say the“MIDNIGHT MADNESS MASTERPIECE” Gold Star Award goes to.....

#106. Jacque
Enjoy your award and please display it proudly!
(if you would like the blinkie code, just email me ;)
Sketch Challenge Star Award MMM

We are just trilled with all our players each week and The Midnight Madness Team is having a ball visiting and commenting on so many of your entries. The Team would like to acknowledge five of our players for sticking with us since the beginning. The first 3 names have played with our sketches from the very first one we put out. The last two names only missed the very first sketch. I guess it took them a week to find us LOL . We would like to give these five ladies this “Royal Loyal Award” for being such troopers. We have enjoyed your work these last 15 weeks!! Thank you and thank you to all our players from the bottom of our hearts for making this journey such a fun one.

9. Liz Williams

18. Darlene (akronstamperdpk)

63. Lovely Linda

below have entered all but the very first one :)
1. Loz

19. Julia


We have a very special treat for the Bonus Winner of MMSC16. Our weekly sponsor is once again, the very talented Michelle Perkett. Michelle Perkett is an artist who believes that the world can always use more happiness, innocence, color and inspiration. Each of her enchanted and inspirational fairies, mermaids, goddesses and angels share these wonderful things with the world. Michelle started her "World of Enchantment and Inspiration" in 2004. Before that she began her art career working as an active duty graphic artist in the United States Air Force and then in the corporate world for 10 years. Since it's beginning, her enchanting line has continued to grow and make people smile all over the world! I am so excited to share with you that coming soon, Michelle's enchanting designs will be made available as rubber stamps and she is now selling digital stamps in her etsy shop. Her art is now available as digital stamps HERE. You can see her line at her Etsy Shop. Thank you so much Michelle for being our sponsor this week and your very GENEROUS prize give away of your........



Below are the Design Teams samples this week and many are made with *Michelle Perkett's images. Be sure to click on them to find out all the details of each.



Sketch this week is from Jeni. Thank you Jeni :)


*Priscilla - "priscillastyles"

Chris - Twinkles Glow with Stamps

*Denise - kc242 Designs by Denise

*Carolyn - Creative Card Corner

Melissa - Keepsakes by Melissa

*Kimmie - kimmie kaye's designs

*Jessica - solocosmo

Jane - The Paper Affair

*Phyllis - SparklePlenty1000

*Charlotte - Designs From Within

Sue - McMahon Five Designs

*Michelle - Daydreams by Michelle

*Jeni - Jeni's Custom Cards


1. You need to be a “FOLLOWER”
The “Midnight Madness LOGO BADGE/LINK” should be displayed on your blog

3. Your card post needs to have a Hyperlink back to this blog.

4. Tag with MMSC16 when uploading to galleries.

5. Only ONE entry per person per week please (If you choose to enter more than one, ONLY your FIRST entry will be judged and entered in the drawings)
Enter your project to Mr. Linky below

7. Leave a Comment below.
***Read the General Rules**


Note: if for any reason, Mr. Linky is not displayed directly below, please just add your link address for your project when you comment. If Mr. Linky is not here when you are, you could also check back again in a little while.

When you add your name to Mr. Linky, some how add an initial or make your name distinguished..(ie Lisa A. or Lisa B.) this will be very helpful with the more frequently used names so we can differentiate the players for our Mad Money Drawings.


  1. Congrats Jacque! I whole heartedly agree that your card was super fab! You so deserved the award this week! Great job! And speaking of great jobs, the DT did an amazing job for this current sketch! You all do such a wonderful job! Good luck everyone this week! Best, Curt

  2. Such wonderful Dt cards. Now time to go and play ;)

  3. A special thanks for Priscilla for hanging in there is week and successfully pulling together this weeks Challenge, we know this week has been very stressful for you, brighter days ahead.

  4. Hello Ladies - another great sketch...love it - the Dt cards are gorgeous - as usual! Priscilla you and your DD have been in my prayers!

    I also just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for the Royal Loyal Award...I just love this challenge and look forward to it each week - you have helped make my cardmaking that much more creative!! Thank you so much - I have done a post on my Blog:
    Can't wait to play this week! God bless you!

  5. I know this week has been stressful, Priscilla!! My thoughts are with you. Despite it all you continue to amaze me with your dedication to this challenge. Another awesome post. The dt cards are awesome!!

  6. Priscilla, you have come through again and produced another fabulous post. You have hung in there this week, stayed strong and succeeded! Everything will turn out ok..you will see! Thanks for everything you do!
    DT girls you have made some awesome cards this week!
    Hugs to you all!

  7. Wow, what inspiration this week and every week, I have learned so much about embellishing cards from this group. Thank you and I just added mine to your Mr. Linky.

  8. Fantastic work on all the challenges! I've left something on my blog for you


  9. Great cards this week.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  10. Another great sketch ... and fabulous DT cards again this week!

    Teri xx

  11. Congratulations ladies on winning the Masterpiece and Royal Loyal Awards. I really like the sketch challenge this week. This is a great way to get inspiration for future cards.

  12. wonderful job Dt's!! would love to be considered for GDT

  13. Congrats to all the ladies winning awards! WTG! I'm glad your daughter is doing well now, whew! I'm sure that's a relief!
    Thanks also to all of the fabulous DT members for all these inspirational samples this week! I'm so glad I found this blog! What fun :)

  14. Wow, wonderful job everyone! This week's using Michelle's Digis, it's just mindblowing amazing :)
    Thanks for continuing to work through hard periods. Priscilla, you still have got the magic touch on cards even when things are tough. xox ~Jeni

  15. Another ABSOLUTELY AMAZING sketch!! And the sample cards are AWESOME!! I hope to get time to visit each blog and comment ... you ladies just leave my jaw on the floor with each passing challenge week!
    Congrats to all those winner's and honorees!! And Priscilla ... your family is still in my thoughts & prayers! Hang in there!

  16. I have been having so much fun with these sketches!

  17. Wonderful blog, so glad I found you. Can't wait to try this sketch! Best thing I did all summer; shared time with my family at the beach. My daughter was visting with her boyfriend and he proposed while they were here, COOL! So happy for them both!

  18. I'm loving your challenges - this is only my second one but I'm hooked now!!! I love all the DT's cards, what an amazing team you have.
    Thanks so much.

  19. Congrats to Jacque! Thanks for the challenge, it fit a mystery on another blog and I had fun!!!

  20. This was fun - challenging, but fun! Thank you for a great sketch!

  21. Thanks for another great challenge. I am so glad your daughter did well with her surgery!


  22. I'm back! Fabulous sketch and DT samples.

  23. Love all of the samples ladies! I just have a blast following these sketches, ok, it's only my 2nd week!

  24. Great sketch & gorgeous DT cards!
    Helen x

  25. Love this layout! Thanks! Here's mine: http://valspaperobsession.blogspot.com/2009/08/girl-and-her-dog-mmsc16.html

  26. This sketch was awesome; thanks for the inspiration!

  27. Great cards from the DT! Thanks for a great sketch as well!

  28. Glad to hear your DD is recovering well, Priscilla!

    I had fun with this week's sketch!!

  29. here is my submission this week:

    I would love to be considered for your guest design team position!

  30. priscilla you can delete SCS ~ but either one is OK with me ~ thanks for letting me play with you ladies ~ it's always interesting how one sketch can be interrupted in so many different ways ~

  31. So glad to be back in time to catch this sketch! It is a great one. These designers are so awesome!

  32. Great sketch and awesome designer cards. I just linked mine up!

  33. Well I've made my card posted it on my blog tried to link it but must admit Im a dum dum when it comes to this could sure use some help please

  34. Hello again ladies - I am happy to be here linking my MMSC16 - I have done something different this week - I am looking forward to hearing what you think! Thanks again for the inspiration - you girls ROCK!!! God bless you!

  35. I love this sketch and your awesome cards!
    Thanks for the inspiration each week.

  36. Thank you so much for the auspicious Masterpiece Award last week...I am truly humbled to have been selected from so many lovely cards!!! And thanks for allowing me to play along again this week!! This challenge blog is so much fun and instructional!! The DT sample cards are absolutely magnificent!! Hugs to all...Jacque

  37. Everyone's creations are just fabulous. I just found your blog and am excited to enter my first challenge here! Hugs, Stephanie

  38. I made my card, posted it on my blog, came back here and entered with Mr. Linky. Hope I did every thing right! Thanks for the sketch, it's awesome!

  39. oh yeah forgot toleave my link, http://craftieodamae.blogspot.com

  40. Gorgeousness yet again from the DT!! Love the samples and the sketch was fun to use!! Congratulations to Jacque, indeed, her entry was a masterpiece!! I am so glad to hear that things are okay with the fam, Priscilla :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Oh, and to the loyal, faithful weekly participants, I can totally see why you keep coming back, these ladies are the bee's knees!!

  41. Fabulous cards as always from the DT team!!
    loads of inspiration too

  42. Congrats Jacque on your MMM award---Awesome!!! I loved the sketch challenge this week that Jeni presented. So excited to be a welcomed participant and I loved all the inspirational cards I get to view :-)
    God bless all
    Mary Lou

  43. Finally got a chance to give your sketches a try. The sketches and the design team work is very inspirational!

  44. HI: I go again, though I in the distant Taiwan.
    This week, I still continue to follow you.
    Looking forward to next week's challenge to good-bye!

  45. Here is my card for this weeks MMSC16. The main image is from Rubbernecker Stamps. The paper is from SU..their new In colors. TFL Pam

  46. Thank you for the sketch. This is the first time I'm entering. Hope you'll come by and leave a comment :) I'm no 83 on the list.

  47. Thanks for the sketch and the challenge. Priscilla you're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope things continue to improve. I've added my card to the list. #84

  48. Lovely sketch, and the DT cards are gorgeous:O) Love the stunning Digi stamps from Michelle!
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Nancy;O)

  49. Hi, Love the sketch, This is also my first time trying a sketch from you. Thanks also for the tutorial and the great DT cards.

    Have a great week
    Take Care

  50. Gorgeous cards from DT! What a great sketch! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  51. Awesome sketch! The DT has out done themselves with their gorgeous cards.

  52. Great sketch! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  53. Hi again, hopefully I am not too late, had pommie visitors, which was fantastic, loved the sketch challenge, take careX:)

  54. Whew! Got mine in just now! Thanks for another great week!

  55. Thanks for a great sketch! :)
    Magda x

  56. Great sketch, love the cards everyone is making. I've left mine with Mr. Linky.

  57. Thanks for the challenge! If anyone gets a chance please take a look at mine and leave me a comment :) Thank you!! :)
