Monday, March 29, 2010

Midnight Madness by Priscilla MMSC47

What a full week I have daughter turned 4 and we had a party for her. She really wanted a pink and purple cake shaped like a heart with sprinkles. So in-between, making her cake (see pic), wrapping presents, and nursing my whole family back to health (we all had the flu, but are feeling much better now), this is the card I have made for my MMSC47 this week (don’t look too close, I was sick and my stitching is a little off).
I made the Rose Corset digi Set just to go with this sketch. I was inspired by the lace up section of the layout. And of course, I had to make a 6x6 lace up envy to go with it right? I know it is a little flirty, but it is fun to mix it up a bit sometimes. I hope you like it and would love to hear what you think. Thank you so much for stopping by today.


  1. Your card is adorable! I love the envelope. What a cool way to "house" the card! Happy birthday to your big 4 year old! Woo-hoo! so sorry you've all been sick, though. That is no fun at all. Hugs!

  2. Well Priscilla - you have proved the rumours to be true - you are SuperWoman!! How amazng you are achieving all that while being sick yourself! I love this 'cheeky
    card, what a great image and the envelope is perfect! I always love the colours you use and the detail! Your stitching is gorgeous and I love the roses - fabulous, flirty and fun - you ROCKED the MMSC this week Priscilla - way to go! I must just say - I do love your digi's and loved using them this week - thanks for trusting me with your 'babies'! LOL! God bless you! {{{hugs}}}

  3. I love your new digi's! Your card and envie are beautiful, & maybe a little sexy. =) The cake for your 4 year old is super! Glad your family is better.

  4. What a fun card!! You are too creative gf! The corset is awesome with this sketch and all the lacing!! Incredible piece of art!! The envi is perfect!!! You rock girl!

  5. Priscilla, I was thinking of so many sentiments to use with this fabulous digi...Thanks for your Support..Heard you needed a lift..Always look ahead in life-Your Girdle will bring up the rear...and I was just cracking up....I know some of my girlfriends would love to receive a card like this. Your flair for the extraordinary is indescribably! Your matching envelope is a wowser. Who needs a trip to Victoria Secret when you can have something like this. A Fabulous, Frilly, and frolicking creation.

    Bear Hugs,
    Carol :o}

  6. I so agree with Carol, this card rocks!!! A corset, ha... The rose on the bust just puts it over the top and the lace up. Frolicking all over the place. Great digi, you have such a great flair for them. Hugs, Jane

  7. Everything Carol said! LOL! This is fabulous! That flu bug didn't dampen your creativity gene did it?! :)

  8. Can I ditto Carol too? ;)
    This is such a great new image that you have created and what you have done with it is stunning. I can't believe that you can still create like this when you aren't feeling well. So glad that you all are starting to feel better. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. You rock!


  9. This Corset Digi set is very Striking! I love your matching laced box on the cover and how you layered the image; It's over the Top Gorgeous :) Hope you feel better this week, xox~Jeni

  10. Priscilla, this is just the loveliest card!! I love your "unmentionable". You have done an amazing job again as always!! That rose is just stunning as well. Just an AWESOME card!! Love the envelope too!!

  11. Great new digi! I like how you paper peiced it and the lacing is fantastic, and on the envleope too!!!!! I love the stitching, so different. Prety colors and bling too. Another Priscilla masterpiece! I'm sorry that you gals are down this week over the loss of two of your team mates, you can just feel it in everyone's post. Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement this past month, I had a blast.

    MMSC March Guest

  12. Were do you find the time Pricsilla? WOW, I am tired just reading about your week! The cake is so pretty! She must have been the happiest 4 year old ever!

    Your corset digi is way to cool! And the envelope is the best I've ever seen! To cool! And then if we add some of Carol's sentiments... You girls are giving me a hartattac!! *LOL* It is just fab!


  13. Priscilla, I love how this "naughty" card turned this digi and how you created the envelope with the lace up! Awesome creation as always and that flower is gorgeous! Carol's sentiments are over the top!! Awesome!

  14. Hey Miss P, I finally made it here. Your corset digi is so cool! Beautiful! And the lace up envie...oh my, are creative! AWESOME!

    This last year has been more than you will ever know. You are a true leader, creative inspiration, sincere friend and really know how to work a CHA booth! LOL! Our little secret makes me smile and laugh! You are a blast, girl! I'm honored to call you friend. I'm so glad we were able to meet in person just a few months ago! You are a special one, Priscilla.

    I'll be stalking and playing MM when I can...hoping to win some of the awesome prizes you have! :) Good luck and have a blast with your new girls!

