Friday, October 16, 2009

Midnight Madness 1st BLOG HOP

350th Player Winner = Joan Ervin
Random Grand Prize Winner = Grace Nywewing
Crypt Card Winners
Kym Weber
Laurel Kingston-Kerr
Lyn Young"Syderwebs"
Valerie Florer
Cabio Tse
Georgia Ehrmann
Sue Drees
Pam Lawver
Cheryl ~ chercroppin
Ashley L. Durand
Cheryl Walker
Random Drawing Winners
Dawn Burnworth
Sandee Shanabrough
Liz Williams
Carol Longacre
Jamie Papantonakis
Mrs. Shirley Lee
Mindy Baxter
Laura Kleditzsch
Kathy Hunter
Eugenia Kraft
Linda Bowman
Abby Bastedo
Thank you everyone who played :) We are planning a Holiday Blog Hop, so please stay tuned for those details. We hope you had fun and will join us for our next blog hop :)
******BLOG HOP CLOSED*****
Names have been randomly pick.. We will be contacting our winners and asking them for the secret phrase…they will have 48 hours to reply with the secret phrase, so stay tuned, because we may need to draw more names..LOL. We will try to have a list of all the winners up by Monday. Thank you for your patients
Welcome to Prowling at the 1st Midnight Madness Blog Hop!

Here at Midnight Madness we are celebrating "you" our players and welcoming those of you who are new with a fun and exciting blog hop. If you come prowling on our blog hop tour, you will be treated to some wonderful Halloween and Fall themed projects. We are hoping you will leave us a few comments and take away some inspiration with you.

Before we send you off on your blog hop adventure…our DT wanted to share something special with you to set the mood for all the fun a head of you. Please take a minute, make sure your volume is on, click on the link below, wait a few second and enjoy the video we have made especially for you. Cast of the video ( Me, Michelle, Carol, Phyllis, and Sue) It will be worth the wait...HOPE YOU ENJOY IT :) just make sure to come back here to start your journey through our Midnight Madness blog hop :)

We have TWENTY FIVE exciting prizes to give away. As a matter of fact, below are a couple pictures of the mounds of products we get to give away for our blog hop winners.

Special thanks goes out to Phyllis and Sue for being our Blog Hop Candy coordinators :)
Huge thank you to Carol for her wonderful organizing skills with putting together this blog hop, and we could not have done this with out the co-operation of our entire team..You guys rock :)

One Grand prize random drawing (valued at $100)
350th BRAND NEW Sketch Player SPECIAL Prize (valued at $50)
11 "Cards from the Crypt" (picked by our DT members from MMSC archives)
12 random Package winners drawn

You have until Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12 p.m. Midnight EST to leave your name in Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post to be eligible for the prizes. Prize winners will be notified at the end of the week.If you would like to be entered in Prowling at the 1st Midnight Madness Blog Hop prizes and you DO NOT have a blog, you still can participate. You will have to follow these directions... 1. Leave a comment on the Midnight Madness Blog Hop comment section with your email address, first name and last name initial. 2. Link up to Mr. Linky with first name and last name initial and in the URL space enter this address In order to have a chance at winning any of the prizes, you must gather a secret phrase along the Blog Hop. Each Design Team Member will have a particular word or words listed on their blog and as long as you visit them in order, you will have the secret phrase at the end. If you are picked as a Prize winner you will be contacted by email (please make sure your email is available to us) and you must email back the secret phrase WITHIN 48 HOURS to claim your prize. If by any chance the 350th BRAND NEW player or any of the "Cards from the Crypt" winners are not claimed, then those prizes will be added to the random winners drawn. To start off, you must begin at this blog, make your rounds and then end up right back here at the end of the hop! don't want to miss out on the Prizes, so make sure you stop by each blog to collect your word/words for the secret winning phrase! If you want a chance to win you will have to follow the instructions listed above. Thank you and have fun on the Hop!

350th Player Announcement and Prize
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for participating in our weekly challenges, for brightening our days when we visit your blogs to see what you have created, and for making us feel special with the comments you leave us. We are amazed and enthralled with your creativity. As we visit you each week, we have gotten to know you by reading your blogs and you have become part of our family, someone we look forward to visiting and enjoy your company each week. Here at Midnight Madness we like to mark our progress with milestones and we have reached one that we are very proud of. We now have 350 different people who have participated in creating a card with our sketches. We are just so excited to have reached this milestone, we were going to celebrate in a big way by announcing who that brand new player is and the lucky person is...

Joan Ervin from Stampin With A Passion!

Congratulations Joan for being our 350th player! Now you will need to collect all your words for the "Secret Phrase" and enter your name in Mr. Linky. One of our lovely Design Team Members will contact you by email once they have verified you have entered your name. You will have 48 hours to respond with the "Secret Phrase" to claim your prize.

Meet the Midnight Madness Design Team
We thought it would be fun to feature in this section of our blog hop something to help you get to know the design team members and for us to get to know you. We have all chosen some questions with answers we wanted to share with you, our valued challenge players and new visitors, about ourselves. You are welcome to leave us comments on our blogs and tell us some things about you.

So here are some things about me ! :) ......
1. Share something about you that would probably surprise us!
I was a professional figure skater for many years. Skated the show circuit (i.e. Ice Capades, Bush Gardens etc.) for a while before coaching for a few more years.
2. Is there a specific time of day when your best creations are made and is there a particular food/drink item you just have to have with you? OMG isn’t that obvious?? MIDNIGHT OF COURSE..LoL and my drink of choice is “Diet Coke” I am hopelessly addicted to it.
3. What makes you laugh the hardest? "Americas Funniest Home videos" They crack me up.. but mostly the ones with animals and children in them. The ones with grown ups some time look like they have been set up..LOL
4. What tool could you not live without? My cutting mat and hobby blade.
5. What would you love to find at a yard sale? A Huge box filled with vintage jewelry marked with a $5 price tag.. yay right!! LoL wishful thinking huh?
6. If you could do something dangerous just once, with no risk-what would you do? I have done so many dangerous things in my life already. I use to be an adrenalin junkie. (sky diving, jumping off buildings, trapeze, scuba diving..... ) I guess, if there were no risk..I would love to play/wrestle with a wild tiger.
7. Who is your hero? My husband
8. What was your reason to get into cardmaking/paper crafting? I was a stay at home foster parent and needed some kind of home based creative outlet. That is when I found paper crafting. I am happy to say that my husband and I were able to adopt two beautiful children and now I get to share paper crafting with them as they get older, so that makes it even more fun :)

Cards from the Crypt
For something a little fun to honor our Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge Players we thought we would go back into the Crypt of archived challenges and pick some of our players cards to feature along our blog hop. Our Crypt pick winners will need to do the blog hop and collect a word from each of the blogs to collect the winning phrase and place their name in Mr. Linky here at Priscilla's Midnight Madness Blog! We will email you when we verify that you have entered your name in Mr. Linky, you will need to email back the phrase in order to qualify for your prize. Even if your card has been chosen from the Crypt you are still eligible for the Grand Prize and Random Drawings. Below is my pick.....

I have chosen a card from MMSC #13 by Ashley Lydia from her "Just Because"blog. I met Ashley through her participation with the Midnight Madness sketch challenges. Ashley is a competitive figure skater and I just love visiting her projects at her blog. She sometimes even has video of her skating…. Two of my passions, skating and card making and that is why I picked this wonderful card with the skate on it. Thanks Ashley for sharing your creative talents with us and keep on skating, you are really good.

My Blog Hop Projects to share...

Altered Items with my kids in mind
for some Halloween FUN!!



(before picture)...I covered and altered these items for Halloween this year!

My project glows in the dark, but it was really hard to photograph. The fly's wings glow and the rats and bats eyes glow along with some spiders and I painted on the designer paper too. It looks really cool when the lights are off.

Just a little Halloween fun for ya!!!
My kids love it!! :)

Revealing the first Word for the Secret Phrase
Your next stop will be Sue’s blog. Have fun on your hop and I will see you back here with your link up to Mr. Linky. Thank you for playing our weekly challenges and for all your support each week. If you are new today, may we invite you to come and join us for all the fun and fabulous prizes. We love showing off our creations to you and visiting your blogs each week to see what you have created. We hope you enjoyed this special Blog Hop and that you are finding something to inspire you along the way. Thanks for joining us today!

(if you are looking for our current Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge MMSC23, just click HERE!)


  1. What a great post and awesome projects for Halloween Priscilla!! Love your covered peanut can especially. Great job! If you want, you can send me the goodies inside? Tee hee! Seriously I am on a diet but boy do they look yummy.

  2. Awesome Priscilla! Just finished the blog-hop and gathered all my words and entered Mr. Linky, what fun!

    Thanks for offering and hosting such a fun hop and giving us the opportunity to get to know all of the DT members a little better!

  3. Wow Priscilla - you are one amazing lady - love your 'goodies' we have sat and drooled over them as most of them we can't get there! Well done on the Blog Hop Priscilla, it has been a Team effort, but every Team needs a good leader - you have been the best!! Relax now and enjoy!! {{{hugs}}}

  4. My goodness, Priscilla! You have led quite a life! I always love your work, and so enjoy this blog! Thank you!

  5. Priscilla I just love all those fantastic Halloween goodies and I bet they really look cool in the dark! Your little ones are going to enjoy those on Oct.31st for sure. I enjoyed reading about diving huh..go read mine!!! LOL
    Off to check the rest of the team!
    Hugs and go get some rest girl!

  6. You always find the neatest things to use on your crafting projects. I love this glow in the dark paint. Very Very cute and creative. The fingers coming out of the tube bust me up!!! Great Job.


  7. Oh my goodness, all of your projects are really fabulous!! Your creativity is amazing, thanks for sharing!!

  8. I had the best time on this hop. I LOVED the video. That started my day with a huge smile.. Then I go on to look at all of these fantastic creations.. I think we are all winners just by getting to see these creations. Really great job ladies..

  9. OMG your video cracked me up! You ladies are ingenius! I have a little extra time so I'm hoping to join in the fun...BTW your creations are FABULOUS! Way to use household items to make awesome creations...WOW!


  10. Priscilla, what a great game to play. I created a video too from Jib Jab and featured my granddaughters in it. I will wait for my email.


  11. Happy 1st blog hop!! The video is so hysterical!! Ashley's card is beautiful and your altered projects are awesome!! I especially LOVE the altered peanut card.A fact about me~ I am a mammographer (ladies~please stay upto date on your yeary exams as well as monthy self checks)

  12. You've definitely got the Halloween spirit Priscilla! Glow in the Dark paint?!! I would never have thought to use that! Ingenious!!! I love all your projects, especially the peanut tin with the awesome beaded handle. :) Thanks so much for inviting me to be on your team!!! I'm loving every minute of it! :) Michelle

  13. What a fantastic blog hop! I love your projects and congratulations on yet ANOTHER milestone!!

  14. I just love your glow in the dark Halloween projects, Pricilla...sooo fun and festive!!!! Thanks sooo much for picking the number 350...Whoohoo!!!! I am sooo thrilled!!! This was a wonderful blog many amazing projects and how fun to learn a little about you and your DT!!!

  15. Wow, fantastic work from the girls this week Pricilla, they've done you proud.
    Anne x

  16. Wow ice skating! That's very neat :)

  17. Wow! What a great project!!! So much to see here!!! Love the beads on the handle and all the glow in the dark things! It is pure fun! Love the skating card you chose from the crypt too! Very well done!!! Wonderful blog hop... it's been so fun getting to know more about everyone too! Hugs!

  18. What a great blog hop! Thanks for allowing those of us with no blog a chance to win! All the projects were stunning! My email is
    Thanks again

  19. Priscilla I love your blog! I am so excited to see that you have a blog hop today, and I've only recently found you, but am enjoying myself to no end! And I have to say the "Monster Mach" was hilarious.

  20. You never cease to amaze me!! An ice skating star and doing all those amazing daredevil stunts. You have had quite a run...Your Halloween creations on your blog are awesome!! This blog hop is a MONSTER success!! Congratulations ladies of the MMDesign Team. I almost wish I had a blog!! NOT!!

    Phyllis - Blog Less MMDesign Team Member

  21. Wow what an awesome blog hop, the DT cards and projects and the random picks are just fabulous!!! This was fun and now I need to go back and tell each one what a great job they did. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  22. WoW what a fab Blog hop i,ve really enjoyed it the DT,s and your Halloween creations are just Awesome.
    Trish (-:

  23. What a fun hop, love all your Halloween and fall paper crafts! Great job!

  24. What a fabulous blog hop, Priscilla! I had so much fun getting to know your design team better and in awe with their stunning projects. They are very creative and inspiring to someone like me who just started making cards last November. Thank you! The cards the DT choose from the crypt are amazing. I was so honored to be one of them choosen by Carol. Looking forward to the next blog hop. Great job, Priscilla! Your altered creations are awesome - fabulous ideas.

  25. What a fun blog hop that was!! Thank you so much to you all, you all did such amazing work. A truly delightful visual experience to go through each stop and now I am inspired to get crafting and stamping this morning.
    Thanks again!!

  26. Fantastic idea with blog hop. Thank you.
    I love your creations!
    Magda x

  27. FUN FUN FUN!! Thanks and I hope I'm a lucky winner!


  28. 2 things:
    1. Loved the Video!
    2. Loved your project but could have done without the HUGE HAIRY RATS!!! :o)

  29. That was a very fun hop! loved seeing everyone's outstanding creations!!! Yay! hugs, Kris

  30. Thank you so much for the inspirational hop! Very cool.

    My email address is

    Kellie W.

  31. Sorry I forgot to leave my pertinent information....
    Betty S

    I thoroughly enjoyed the sites I saw on all the DT's blogs. So many beautiful creations and so much inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to meet each of you and to win some freebies!!!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. LOL i,ve just spent an hour making a halloween vid yours was such a laugh just brill.
    Trish (-:

  34. this is awesome Priscilla I knew it would be great !!! the video is awesome, and I am so grateful and honored to have my card as the card from the crypt !!!! Again you did an awesome job with this blog hop, your Halloween deco items are great! i love the peanut jar gone spooky !!!

  35. That was such a fun HOP! My first I have to say. I have an event tonight, and it totally inspired me to make favors for the gals!

    I love you decorations! I sell Premier Designs and have lots of those boxes to decorate and fill with yummies.

    Wonderful stuff from everyone. I am sitting here so impressed and inspired!

  36. This blog hop was so much - seeing everyone's masterpieces and learning about them. I can't wait to go back and visit more of your blogs - you are all amazing!

  37. This blog hop was soo fun! All the projects were really inspiring :) Thank you for the chance to win!
    Have a lovely day

  38. Thanks for a little smile this day. I've been home with sick kiddo's all week without being able to craft. It was a stress reliever to hop along your blogs and read all about you and view all your great projects! Thanks for the fun challenges each week. Oh yeah the video was a Hoot!

  39. hiyas...phew!!!! am fair bushed.... what good fun that was...lovely to read up on all your ambitions.past and present...and you a skater well wowzer.....fabby night thanks for al the encouraging words you send huggies to you all sassyx

  40. forgot to say the video was
    terrorrrrrr!!!ific hahah brilliant jus brilliant...sassyxxxx

  41. Woo that was a fun blog hop. The DT has some really amazing projects. Thanks so much for a start of a great afternoon! Happy Friday everyone.

  42. Priscilla, what great projects! I see lots of tutorials ahead! I enjoyed reading each of the posts! Great Job everyone!

  43. Awesome blog hop! I really enjoyed looking at all the gorgeous projects that were featured! I had alot of fun. Thanks. Got my fingers crossed that my name will be picked!


  44. Well......that was fun. It was fun reading about the designers as well. I loved the questions! Now.......ooooo...eeee...aahhhhh....nneeee....aahhhh.....nneeee....wanneeee. Computer Gods pick me!

  45. This was so much fun! Great job and organization, I loved it.

  46. wonderful blog hop, lots of great talent on your team!!

  47. Just wanted to say how awesome all of your blogs are. I really enjoyed going from one to the other looking for the secret words. I loved all the projects and look forward to checking back to each of your blogs regularly. Thanks so much for the opportunity of viewing your work.

    Kathy H

  48. That was so much fun. It was an enjoyable hop and I loved seeing everyone's beautiful creations. Your team did an amazing job and work very hard on it. Great job! Also love the video. TFS

  49. What a fun hop, love all your Halloween and fall paper crafts! Great job!

  50. WOW WOW FUN! :) I thoroughly enjoyed your video--I laughed so hard! THANK YOU for that! :) And your glow in the dark projects are FABULOUS! I'm sure your kids LOVE them and are so excited for Halloween now! :) Off to Sue's.

  51. What a fun blog hop this was, and I love your Halloween projects made from products that would ordinarily be tossed in the trash! It's fun learning a little more about you and everyone else who joins to make this the successful blog that it's become!

  52. Thank you for such a fun and inspiring blog hop.

  53. What a fun hop it has been! I love your altered items and there were so many good ideas along the way!

  54. you ladies are awesome to do all you have done!!! congradulations on jobs WELL done ~

  55. Wow, what an awesome blog hop! I enjoyed reading about you--you have really done everything, haven't you! Loved your project, too! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome prizes! And, your video was fun!

  56. What a great blog hop. So many outstanding projects!! Loved them all!! Marla H -

  57. That is so cool with the glow in the dark paint, I love the rat idea, LOL and the altered nut container with the handle, little box, card, TOPS Priscilla. Like the candy too. My favorite!! Yummy trick or treats!! What fun this blog hop is. Jane

  58. This sounds awesome, and is a test for me to see if i can actually follow the directions.



  59. Hi Priscilla very neat altered items. You are sooooo creative!!!!! You rock!!!!! I do love that skating card--sooo pretty!! Thanks for fun time--now off to hop :)
    Mary Lou

  60. Just finished the hop and all I can say is WOW! So much wonderful talent! From the cards that were chosen to the project that were made, your DT is Awesome!

  61. What a great hop!

    I love seeing all the fun stuff from so many creative people!!

    Thank you for all the inspiration and the chance for goodies!!

    Danielle T

  62. What cool, fun things you made for your kids. I love the bucket. How creative is that? Glow in the dark too! Love it. You never disappoint us. Thanks for honoring me by allowing me to be a part of this talented team. It is such a blessing to have come to know and befriend all of these wonderful ladies.

    You're the best, Priscilla!

  63. Hi Priscilla~~ i am back~~finished the hop--fantastic!!! My email:
    Mary Lou S

  64. What a fantastic blog hop, loved the video. Your DT are truly talented ladies, very inspirational. Just love your projects, how cool, glow in the dark, the kids will love it! Just would love to say thank you to you all for the hard work you put into your MMSC, it reallys is lovely the effort you all put in by visiting our blogs and leaving such lovely comments as well as the wonderful projects you make to inspire us! What a great way to start the day, fun time over now off to do some cleaning, got some visitors for tea. Take CareX:)

  65. Thanks for this fantastic blog hop. You ladies are so talented and inspirational. You have helped to me to step out of my comfort zone. Wow, Priscilla! You are one brave lady. I would never skydive or get on the trapeze. I am terribly afraid of heights.
    Terri S.

  66. Thanks for hosting this blog hop. You have a truly inspiring DT! I am new to the MM site and also to doing sketches. I truly look forward to doing many more. Thanks again!

  67. This was such a fantastic Blog Hop.
    Such beautiful projects from the DT.

  68. That was a lot of fun! All of you ladies are very talented. I love your Halloween projects with the glow in the dark paint.
    Mary F.

  69. Oh Priscilla, I've left you a comment, but it doesn't seem like working for some reason?? so I am trying it again.

    I've finished and had fun visiting all the DT's blogs (including yours). They sure gave me tons of inspirations to create. Thanks for hosting this blog hop & for a chance to win :o)

  70. Holy Moly ... what great fun is this Hop! You sure know how to "kick it up a notch" and this Hop is no exception. I'll be back later after making my rounds!
    Would you like to know something interesting about me??? Several years back when I weighed 110 lbs. and stood 5'2" (still that tall but not that skinny, teehee) I drove 18-wheeler and loved the look on the faces of those big husky drivers who were surprised to see me behind the wheel. Today wouldn't be the same fun ... there are a lot of lady truck drivers out there now! Just thought I'd share!

  71. WOW, Priscilla, this is totally AMAZING. You are one talented lady for sure. I've never done a blog hop before and I think I've completed it. It's been tons of fun and I thank you SO much for putting this together. Now, e-mail me about all tlhe prizes I've won!!! LOL!!!

    Pam L

  72. Thanks for such a wonderful Blog Hop! I loved all of your DT's creations truely in inspiration! I wish you lots of success with your hop! here's my info, Mindy B.

  73. Awesome 1st BlogHop!
    Awesome video!
    Awesome creations!
    Thankyou for sharing :)

    Sandy B x

  74. Thanks for the awesome blog hop! You have an great blog, I love to visit and learn new stuff! Love your Halloween projects!

  75. I can't wait to start the hop. Thanks =)
    canucks _ revelation at yahoo dot com
    Ginette W.

  76. This was such a fun blog hop...the DT did an outstanding job...loved seeing all their creative projects and card choices!!! Thanks for all the work you put into setting this up and for the chance to win some fabulous candy!!!
    Terry P

  77. Great blog hop! Enjoyed every post along the way.
    Eugenia K

  78. The blog hot was great! All of the projects were amazing!!! Thank you for all the inspiration!
    Leona C

  79. This was so much fun and what great projects. I have been inspired.

  80. Thanks for the fun and all the great info! Wow, 80 already! How exciting!!

  81. Wow!! what a fantastic hop this has been, you said you wanted to know something about us that you may not have known, well I am a professional singer and finished work at 1.00am after singing with a band for 4 hrs and all that was on my mind was could I stay awake long enough to finish the blog hop when I got home. The answer is yes!! made my hubby a pizza at 1.45am, sent him off to bed at 2.25am it's now 3.40am. so I am off to bed now, hoping I've done this correctly. Loved reading all about you being a foster Mum, professional skater and a dare devil. Night Night.
    Suzi xx

  82. Great fun, loved all the neat projects on each blog. Thanks for the fun and chance to win a nice prize.

  83. The video was pretty funny! Fun blog hop too! Thanks for the chance at the goodies! E-mail: -Thanks!- Caroline S.

  84. Thanks for a great blog hop.. I commented earlier and here is my info.
    Dawn Burnworth

  85. The video is a riot, I laughed out loud!
    Your Halloween creations are wonderful. I love that they glow in the dark! Love the rats too! Have completed the hop and have to tell you, so much inspiration and ideas. I've told you before, but it bears repeating, I don't know how you do it all, but I'm glad you do!
    I am honored that Jeni chose one of my submissions to the MMSC. Jeni is a favorite of mine too and always enjoy her beautiful work. Was so nice to read somethings about each of you and get to know you better.
    Sue Drees

  86. The blog hop was great fun! And I so enjoyed your video. It was a real scream! Loved all the projects from the Design Team. They really put in some serious work for this hop. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! Would love that! Big hugs for all you do!

  87. Thanks for sharing such great inspiration with us. Good job girls

  88. Terry F.
    This is great I am so excited to have found this on a rainy Fri. evening!!

  89. Thank you for a super fun hop and all the projects were a feast for the eyes!!!

    I tried to leave coments for everyone, but there may be a glitch in Blogger or my Yahoo browser because I couldn't leave a comment for Chris and 2 others! I LOVED everyone's work!!!

  90. Awesome Project! I love that it glows in the dark. How fun is that.

    Juliet Poh

  91. What a great blog hop! And a big thank you for using one of my cards! I loved everyone's projects...can't tell you which one is my favorite cause they all "ROCK"!

  92. What an incredible journey! All of you have put in a tremendous amount of work getting your blogs set up for this. I'm inspired by the cards you chose to showcase, your own wonderful creations, and the personal stories you shared. I hope to get back to your individual blogs on a regular basis. lotsa scrap aka 2amscrapper

  93. What a fun blog hop, thank you ladies!

  94. Fabulous blog hop with some stunning creations along the way.
    Beccy x

  95. It's so fun to get to know everyone. I love the look of your blog and I'm most creative in the middle of the night too (that's why I like that there is a timedifference, lol)
    I just took a scuba diving certificate last year as a gift for my fiancées 30:th b-day. It's so great to see similarities between crafters.
    I've linked my blog on mr linky. You will be able to find my mailaddress under my profile. Now I'll just lean back and wait for the mail :) Have a great weekend

  96. Great bloghop! Enough eyecandy to satisfy my craving needs :)

  97. That was great I love blog hops so many ideas.I loved all your dt projects .here is my info Sarah Ketchum blog

  98. That was a lot of fun and really enjoyed all the fabulous blogs and their creations. Thanks so much for a change to win your AWESOME candy. I added your blog hop badge added to my sidebar.

  99. what fun learning about all the hosts and the questions re:what craft item would you save in a fire lol i am going back to visit some of the projects that for sure i will scraplift

  100. Congratulations on the success of your challenge blog!!

  101. What a fun hop that was and to find out a little something about each of you ! I really enjoy your site and projects...everyone did an awesome job ! Thanks

  102. I had so much fun visiting all these blogs and to see all this great projects!
    Thanks for this bloghop and for the chance to win great prizes!

    Judith van Stam (Juut)

  103. Your recycled projects are great, Priscilla!
    Amazing blog hop! Very original, not just cards, loved that.

  104. Awesome hop! Can't believe the all the wonderful projects!
    Lisa C.

  105. Hi Priscilla,

    You are so lucky to have such a talented DT. Their projects and yours never ceased to amaze me. I have really enjoyed this blog hop and now have my fingers and toes crossed.

    Hugs Ali x

  106. Hey guys, this was awesome. I enjoyed seeing everyone's creations. The video was a hoot.
    Terry D.


    This was soooooo much fun.
    Thanks for the great time,
    Kendra J Heller

  108. Fabulous Fablous Design team makes! They all win a gold star from me! Makes me want to get out the PVA glue and start mixing it with paper and invent something wow!! Think I've gone round the blog hop the right way round... my email is (named after my never ending story...)


  109. I have officially finished my first blog hop! I usually start them and get lost! I am just WOW'd by the DT's creations! Well done ladies! Unique and creative at every stop along the way! Too much fun! :)

  110. Wow! What fantastic work everyone did! I loved this Hop! Thank you! Jen GD

  111. This was my very first blog hop, it was so fun! You all are so talented and I will be participating soon in one of your challenges..


  112. I had a great time here! I'll be back!

  113. Wowza..I found your blog through another blog this morning. I have to say that you all have blown me away with all of your wonderful creations. I had alot of fun thumbing through your pages,reading and being inspired. I especially enjoyed your sketches from the crypt that you shared from past entries. What a wonderful blog hop this morning. Thank You.

  114. Wow these are swesome can't wait to get the pumpkin on the 4th Love the cake I just wish I had the time and energy to make it

  115. I forgot leave my addy.. :) Thanks again.
    Mary F.

  116. Just completed my first blog hop. Collected all info needed and crossing my fingers for a prize. LOL

    Brenda O.

  117. Wow- that about sums it up!!! Great blog hop- fun! TFS

    Shelly Schmidt
    Shellymc2@comcast dot net

  118. What fabulous projects!!! A fun hop!! Entered #135

  119. Priscilli..although I haven't been playing your challenges that long I now look forward to seeing what great new sketch you've come up with! Awesome idea for a blog hop-love the cards from the cryp idea!! Great way to honor your followers.

  120. Fantastic Blog Hop Priscilla. It was like a treasure hunt. All the DT Blogs have wonderful creations...Loz

  121. I just finished the blog hop and really enjoyed all the wonderful projects and cards. I have found some new blogs to visit on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing.
    I don't have a blog. Here is my email address:
    Thank you again. Happy Halloween!
    Shirley L.
    Roseville, CA

  122. Very interesting!

    Penny D.
    pennyandbryan [at] gmail [dot] com

  123. You are truly talented...Wish I lived next to you so I could learn from the master! Thank you for such a great giveaway!

    Cassandra V.

  124. Love love love your blog hop! I was able to go through all of the blogs late Friday night but went out of town to visit my parents for the weekend and just got back home! I have the phrase all written down and will hop along again tomorrow! You all have some gorgeous creations to see for the hop too! WOW!!!

  125. Wonderful projects I enjoyed looking at all the very talented designers. I enjoyed the blog hop. Happy Holloween

  126. Wow, what great projects all the way through the hop! Love seeing how creative all of you are!

  127. How exciting! Super fun Blog Hop! I just loved the video! What a riot! Thank you for the op to hop on your Misnight Blog and participate for a chance to win!
    Happy Stamping and Creating!!
    Rachael D
    Queen La Rubba

  128. The creative talent of the DT is just amazing!!! What beautiful projects for fall!!
    Thank you for a fun Blog Hop and the chance to win some prizes. 8)

  129. Hi
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations and inspirantional blogs.
    It was a real fun to take part in MM Blog hop :)
    Isn't wonderful how many talented persons You've brought together?
    I look forward to MM tutorials!

  130. Fab blog hop!! The design team have all been soooo busy and made the most amazing things! Thanks for sharing them all and looking forward to seeing some of the tutorials mentioned on the hop. Claire xx

  131. what interesting facts I've learned about you all. fun blog hop!

  132. Oh Priscilla!! What can I say lady?!! It first starts out with the funny video and turns into this really FABULOUS turn out of creative inspiration from everyone!! I just adore your projects..espcecially with the glow in the dark factor!! :) You're so creative and I really enjoyed seeing the whole Midnight Madness projects!! So fun to get to know them even better and enjoy more from them!! Thanks for doing this!! HUGS

  133. Wow!!!
    I dropped in here from "god knows where", I honestly don't remember myself.
    And what do I find??? A bunch of talented women, an amazing Blog Hop Candy and sooo much more.
    Thank you all sooo much.
    Hugs, Hulda M.

  134. What an exciting event!! The blog hop and changes for all the candy is very fun!! Thanks to all the talented MM Ladies who inspire and manage to kick me in the mojo on a regular basis!! EMAIL:

  135. This is such a wonderful display, love all the revamped packaging and wonderful Halloween props, and fun to know you are a coke addict too, lol, diet coke that is, it's amusing to say that, some explaining is always necessary afterwards...
    Take Care,

  136. Wonderful blog hop, Priscilla! And your Halloween treats are amazing on so many levels -- repurposed items, stunning ingredients, and glow in the dark, too! You clever, clever artiste!!

  137. Wow, Priscilla, this was so fun!! Loved all the great ideas of the DT. You ladies do some terrific work! Thanks for all the inspiration you all give us each week.

  138. This has been a wonderful blog hop. I truly enjoyed every stop. There was some amazing creations along the way! This was different than any other I've been in because it wasn't all just cards are scrapbook LO.I'm going to enter as I don't have a blog because for some reason I can't get my blog to upload the pic. I've tried for days. I entered on the Mr. Linky with my blog. ( I'm sorry but the only thing I know to do is to enter again with your blog. My name is JoAnn H. and email is: I'm going back to Mr. Linky now but the first number I had was 166. I think now I'll be 168 unless someone else gets there first. I'm sorry for the confusion but I'm running out of time. Thanks again for the blog hop it was great!!!!!

  139. Just wanted to say you put on a Wonderful blog hop, and I have enjoyed each and every blog!!! and of course all the lovely info that the DT has shared with us and their creations as well!!! I just got back from Washington I helped my mom with a Doll show there,and we got home at 5:23 am this morning :( so I kinda had to do this today. Anyways I loved it!!! Thank you again, and thank you to all of your Lovely DT ladies for all of their hard work!!!

    Now off to get some much needed rest!!!

  140. This was a great fun journey! I have seen alot of love in all the projects that were shared! Thanks for iinviting me!

  141. I just didn't see a place to post a special thank you besides here... but I just had to express my extreme gratefulness to you Priscilla and to the entire MMS team! You have an incredible group of talent and it was a joy to hop their blogs, gleening not only inspiration but getting to know them a little more was so fun! Now I have even more to thank your for!!! I am shocked and amazed and speechless... and that doesn't happen often! LOL! I'm so excited to have been the grand prize winner and can't wait to see what new fun toys I'll be getting to play with! Thank you all!
