Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Midnight Madness Week #15 (MMSC15)

UPDATE 8-22-09: Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that the Surgery went just FINE :) {{{{{big sigh}}}} Now we are just dealing with trying to keep fluids in her and the pain to a minimum. Thank you everyone for your well wishes and personal emails. It has been very comforting reading them. Just a couple of things before I run, we had a really hard time picking our September Guest Designer Diva, but we have narrowed it down and have finally picked someone. We are now on the search for our October Guest Designer Diva, so keep linking up your wonderful work and let us know you would like to be our GDT for October. We get to do it all over again. Yay!! We are just thrilled with the enthusiasm to be a GDT for the Midnight Madness and what fun it has been checking out so much talent. So, THANK YOU everyone who entered. I will be announcing our Sept Guest designer shortly. I am still playing catch up and have not read any of my blog candy comments or even had a chance to make my rounds with our entries cards this week. Hubby is home today, so I think if I do a little sweet talking, I can have some computer play time to get up to speed today. Thank you again to everyone. I feel as if some of you are becoming really good buddies and it feels really good :)

The weekly BONUS WINNER for MMSC14 is
57. Lisa V

The MMSC14 bonus gift is being donated by “McMahon Five Designs” Lisa please email me your address so I can forward it to Sue and she can send you your goodies :)
Please note: If you have a Midnight Madness Award logo on your blog and it is having issues, I would be happy to email you the Picture logo instead of the html. Again I am so sorry for this..but I am learning not to depend on other sites for my logos from here on in :) I am finding that many of you have had this same problem, so I guess I am not the only one..LOL just emailme at heatup@verizon.net or you could always just copy the award from the blog too.
Hello everyone. I hope your all healthy and happy. I have a couple of things I would like to say before we get into the post. I want to thank everyone who has left comments, played our challenges and who I have gotten to know via email. Everyone I have met through this forum has been so nice and I am really enjoying my experience with blogging. Today, I experienced my first problem with blogging. Our Midnight Madness logo badge was having some issues. It was a photobucket and wordblog problem. As much as I love the blinkies, I have to admit, I was getting addicted to them LOL. I will be taking a break from blinkies for awhile due to technical problems. I would really appreciate it, if you would all replace your Midnight Madness blinkies logo with one of the picture logos from my side bar and just link it back to this blog http://priscillastyles.blogspot.com/ Again I am so sorry for the inconvenience, but I am learning, and I think that by not having to depend on other sites for the inter-workings of my own blog is best. In the long run, I think this will be more convenient for everyone.
On a personal note....I am posting early because I have a big day tomorrow along with a busy week. Tomorrow we are taking my daughter to the doctors and then on Friday, she is having surgery. She has “Hypertrophy of Tonsil and Adenoids” My daughter has had a small speech delay and we are hoping this will help with that, as well as her breathing problems. I know it is a common surgery, but please say a little prayer for her. I am sure she will be fine, it will be me that will be the nervous wreak LOL If any of you have experienced this with your kids, I would so love to hear any advice you can share with me.
You have till Midnight EST (8-18-09) to get your MMSC14 in for last weeks sketch. One winner will be drawn for our weekly BONUS GIFT give away from “McMahon Five Designs” on Wednesday. We will now be leaving Mr. Linky open for anyone who would like to enter their projects after the fact. We will have a “LAST CALL” posted to Mr. Linky at Midnight EST and any entries after that will not be eligible for our weekly or monthly drawings, so be sure to get your card added to Mr. Linky in plenty of time. If you miss the deadline please share your link with us, as we would still love to see your projects.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting the Midnight Madness blog…Now lets get to the fun!!!
Each week we awarding a special Badge Award to one person for their outstanding sketch submission. If you would like to be considered for this award, please make sure your card link is posted to Mr. Linky by Sunday of each week. This is our way of let you know how wonderfully talented you are and how much we appreciate you sharing your craft with us. This week we are proud to say the“MIDNIGHT MADNESS MASTERPIECE” Gold Star Award goes to.....

51. Chelsea
Enjoy your award and please display it proudly!

Just a little reminder that "Simon Says Stamp!" is our month end sponsor and will be giving some lucky player a $50 CREDIT VOUCHER!! "Simon Says Stamp!" has over 100,000 items in stock and ship USA orders over $60 and International orders over $120 for free. Be sure to stop in and check them out :)

Our Weekly Bonus Sponsor is

They are being very generous with their give away this week and here is some cool information about Sunshine’s Stamps. Thank You Christina!

"Sunshine’s Stamps is the brainchild of Christina and Rob with a lot of wonderful input from Chrissy! There are a lot of Stamp Company’s forming up out there. Digital images seemed to be the way to go for us. We had been looking for a venture to do together for quite some time and after some poking and prodding I managed to inspire my Hubby Robbie into making his first attempt at a digital image. Now, I am very fortunate to have an accomplished artist as a husband. Not many out there can say that!! Robbie is an aviation and railroad artist of well known repute. His fine art can be found on his Website or on his blog which is dedicated to his mistress, the Argus this of course was the inspiration for our first image – Angus Argus.

A shortage of masculine images out there was really obvious to me, the mother of “my three sons”. Once we decided to go with manly images near and dear to Robbie’s heart we were on our way. Off we went. We have been developing different lines of stamps as we go and expect that we will continue to develop new lines as we grow and mature as a business. Currently we have the High Flyer series, Big Builders, Everyday Heroes and the two new series we are releasing here this week “Around the House” & “Teasers”. There are several other Series under development and we happily take image requests from our Design Team and our wonderful supporters. We thank our wonderful design team “SUNSHINE’S STAMPERS” for their wonderful creativity, enthusiasm and support. We hope you pop by our BLOG to see what is coming up and find links to the coolest cards and projects. Also watch out for our newsletter showcasing the tremendous versatility of digital stamp images.


Bonus Gift Give Away:


Plus, the two digis below.....

Plus one digi of your choice from their SHOP

Below are the Design Teams samples this week and many are made with *Sunshine's Stamps images. Be sure to click on them to find out all the details of each.

Midnight Madness Week #15

Midnight Madness Sketch Week #15 (MMSC15)

* Melissa - Keepsakes by Melissa

* Jessica - solocosmo

* Denise - kc242 Designs by Denise

Chris - Twinkles Glow with Stamps

* Sue - McMahon Five Designs

*Kimmie - kimmie kaye's designs

*Jeni - Jeni's Custom Cards

* Phyllis - SparklePlenty1000

* Priscilla - "priscillastyles"

Michelle - Daydreams by Michelle

* Jane - The Paper Affair

* Charlotte - Designs From Within


1. You need to be a “FOLLOWER”
The “Midnight Madness LOGO Picture with a LINK back to this blog” should be displayed on your blog
3. Your card post needs to have a Hyperlink back to this blog.
4. Tag with MMSC15 when uploading to galleries.
5. Only ONE entry per person per week please (If you choose to enter more than one, ONLY your FIRST entry will be judged and entered in the drawings)
Enter your project to Mr. Linky below

7. Leave a Comment below.
***Read the General Rules**


Note: if for any reason, Mr. Linky is not displayed directly below, please just add your link address for your project when you comment. If Mr. Linky is not here when you are, you could also check back again in a little while.

When you add your name to Mr. Linky, some how add an initial or make your name distinguished..(ie Lisa A. or Lisa B.) this will be very helpful with the more frequently used names so we can differentiate the players for our Mad Money Drawings.


  1. Oh Priscilla, how worried you must be! I wish you safe travels to the doctor tomorrow, and will keep you in my prayers all week. Best wishes with DD's surgery on Friday. God will keep her in his loving arms and will give you the strength to get through the day. Huge hugs, and please keep us posted!

  2. I'm keeping you both in my thoughts!

  3. Nothing anyone can say will make the waiting any easier, that said, I'm still sending you all my best vibes and begging the universe to smile on your daughter. As a mother your hard wired to worry, but try to keep yourself occupied with your art while you wait. It's a much better place for your head to be.
    Also, I'd like to say that I am completely bowled over by the design team's work. Every card is gorgeous.

  4. Keeping you both in my thoughts. I know you can't help but worry, it's what makes us Mums.

    Beautiful work DT, so many different and stunning cards.

  5. Priscilla. We will say a prayer for your daughter. I hope that the sugery will correct her speech....Loz

  6. The only thing I remember from getting my adenoids removed at a young age is that I could eat all the ice cream I wanted afterwards! Your girl's gonna do just fine hun, and of course we all will keep our fingers crossed ^_^

  7. omgosh I absolutely love the sketch this week :)

  8. My dearest Priscilla, you know that I am always here for you!! Please know you, your daughter and your family are in my thoughts and prayers; I am sure your daughter will make out fine. I will pray that God will give you his peace this week and during your dear daughters surgery. Take care of yourself GF!!

  9. hiya.
    i am so very sad i stayed up last night trying to get this weeks challenge 14 finnished.thought i had until mid night this evening to enter and just now challenge 15 has been posted.

    I hope you have time to pop over and take a look anyway.

    angel wishes tracey

  10. Fun sketch this week. Fabulous samples.

  11. Praying everything goes well with your daughter. It must be affecting her hearing as well. She should pick up her speech skills quickly after the surgery :D Love your blog and I always need sketches to get me going. I'm in for your challenges!

  12. Awesome sketch again this week Priscilla. Have yet to try that neat flower tutorial! WOW, I love all the inspiration for the sketch too. The images are so fun!

    Thanks for having me! Peggy

  13. Hope everything goes well with your daughter. My son had to have a "minor" surgery performed when he was about 3 years old. It was hard to watch them wheel him away and I was on pins and needles until he opened his eyes and was back in my arms.
    Anyhow, thanks for another great sketch and the inspiration was wonderful as well. I added my new logo today as well.

  14. hi hun have linked your cnady back to my blog i hope everything goes okay for you as you are in my thoughts love cheyrl xxxx

  15. Hiya,
    Have linked your candy, and your MM Sketch Challenge logo and now I am leaving a link to my Challenge entry for MMSC#15 which you can see here
    I have left a link with Mr Linky too so this is just in case he isn't working properly.
    Thanks for checking my card out.

  16. HI, me again. I think I have followed all of the directions for my MMSC15 card submission. I love this sketch! I'm still working on getting your blog candy pic and logo hooked up on my blog. Hoping things are well with your little girl. -Lori

  17. Keeping you & your little one in my prayers Priscilla!!
    Thanks for another fun challenge and AWESOME sample cards! You ladies are absolutely AMAZING!!!

  18. I had a lot of fun with this sketch!

  19. Priscilla, hope evrything goes well, your family will be in my prayers!!

    Love your awesome cards Ladies!!


  20. I hope you and your daughter are both rosey today.
    I tried to put a link to your blog in my post by it wouldn't accept it. Has anyone else had a problem with it? I'll keep trying to figure this out.

  21. Thanks for another great sketch challenge. I think I'm going to become a stalker of your blog - it's wonderful!
    Best wishes to you and your DD. We moms always worry more than we should when it comes to our children, but hopefully this is just a routine procedure and all will quickly be behind you. Sending warm thoughts and big hugs your way :)

  22. Hope all goes well for your little one Priscilla.
    Fabby cards from the team for the challenge too. I'd fun with this one.
    Anne x

  23. Everyone has such talent on this team!! I'm so inspired each and every week!! Thanks for providing all the fun!! :)

  24. Good luck at the doc - these things are always worse for the mothers!!!

  25. Thanks for the awesome sketch. Sending positive thoughts your way!

  26. Oh wow...such AWESOME cards by your DT!! Those digi stamps are sooo CUTE. Very unique from most out there. :) I LIKEY!

  27. Great sketch and wonderful eye candy from the DT. Thanks for the inspiration and the fun!

  28. Another awesome sketch! Thanks for all the fun. I am off this weekend to my other love, a quilting retreat:)

  29. I wich both you and your daugther the best of luck for tomorrow!

    This weeks sketch was a lot of fun, and I really liked the Sunshine Stamps.

    I have left mine with Mr Linky.


  30. This is my first time to enter a challenge -- hope I've done everything properly with Mr. Linky!

  31. I loved your sketch and had so much fun that I had to make another card using one of Sunshine's Stamp Digital Images. Here is my blog: http://nanaskeepsakes.blogspot.com

  32. Great sketch, have posted my entry! Hope your day goes as smoothly as possible! God bless.

  33. Oh, I think it is your job to be worried about your baby, it's hard to see them in pain, but then again, it's hard to see them in pain, so this procedure is going to do great things for her, sending love and healing hugs to you and yours!!

    I had the problem that you've mentioned with the blinkie and that was some time last week, so I copied the pic and then added the link back to your blog, was going to ask you for the blinkie coding, but now I see it wasn't just me being technologically stunted.

    Love the sketch and all of the fabulous creations you've all made, and those digi's are adorable!! I think I'll rent The Brave Little Toaster this weekend, the creations have sparked fond memories :)

    Take Care,

  34. Firstly, wishing your daughter the speediest of recoveries, secondly, thankyou for giving us a wonderful blog to follow, your team are certainly very talented!!! Had fun with this challenge the Sunshine Digital images are just so much fun to work with!! Oh and lets not forget more wonderful candy, you are just too generous, thinking of you all, take careX:)

  35. Hello ladies - I am loving this challenge (yes - I love them all!) Here is my card, it came together by itself really!!


    Thanks for having me and for all of your encouragement along the way!! God bless you!

    Proscilla - your adorable little girl is in our prayers, as are you!! God bless you! {{{hugs}}}

  36. Hello Girls, love the DT examples as always, beautiful work from every one of you. Pricilla my prayers are with your whole family and I hope everything goes well for the little one.
    Special Hugs, God Bless you all.
    Suzi xx

  37. Love all the cards DT! I hope everything is well with your daughter. I have 3 kids so I understand the constant worry. Hugs, Jamie.

  38. Hope your family are well Priscilla.
    Great sketch and DT cards - as always

  39. Hope the surgery went well, Priscilla! We definitely know how stressful that can be, much worse than having surgery yourself!!

  40. Hope everything went well with your daughter's surgery. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Finally had a chance to take a look at all the card entries for MMSC15. All I can say is WOW! So much talent out there. Thanks Priscilla for making this challenge possible.

  41. Priscilla, I hope that you and your family are doing well.

    Thinking of you,

  42. Hi there again ladies - I am very happy to have just linked a card from my friend Chriss - this is her first card that she has done for a challenge....it is in my gallery as we have still to set her up in a gallery...that is the next step, that way she can become a follower as well. So thank you for the comments I know you will all leave her!!! I am pretty sure she will be back next week!!!God bless you!!

  43. What a wonderful sketch again this week! I love all the inspiration cards too! See ya next week!

  44. Thanks for a great sketch! DT cards are fantastic.
    Magda x

  45. You and your daughter are in my prayers, Priscilla! I'm so excited to have found your blog via Jacque! This is my first week playing along with your wonderful challenge. Your DT samples are all fantastic! Such talent! Thanks for all the fun! hugs!

  46. So glad to hear that the surgery went well for your daughter!! Hope her recovery continues to progress well! More great projects from the design team! Love the trucks and airplane! So cute and great for boys!

  47. What a wonderful sketch again this week! Hugs Ewa

  48. Fab sketch...again!
    I can't see Mr Linky at the mo, so I'll leave a link here to my card...will check back later to see if he's reappeared! lol
    Helen x

  49. Hoping for good news about your daughter. I had fun with this week's sketch, thanks again for being a great hostess! I used the chiffon technique with TIlda, she likes flowers. :)

  50. Priscilla: Glad your daughter's surgery went well and I pray her recovery is quick.

    I posted a card for the MMSC #15 challenge and enjoyed all the others. What a fun venture I have been led to. Look forward to participating again :-)

    I Love your creativeness and follow your blog regularly.
    Blessings to you and your loved ones!!
    Mary Lou

  51. Thanks for the challenge and all of the great samples!

  52. Beautiful sketch, lovely DT cards.

    Hugs, Benedicte.

  53. Sorry, I forgot to leave a comment the other day, but the sketch is gorgeous, and you have created some wonderful DT cards Ladies:O)

    Hugs, Nancy;O)

  54. Ladies!!!! What a fun sketch and what lovely DT cards...Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate...I had loads of fun...Hugs...Jacque

  55. GREAT sketch ladies and wonderful designs by the designers. I just linked mine to Mr. Linky!!

  56. Outstanding and very inspiring cards by the DT!
    Fabulous sketch I had so much fun to work with!


  57. Great sketch this week and some awesome cards from you ladies. Late with this one but I have linked..finally.

  58. I thought I did leave a comment but I don't see it. I hope you at least see my card. Tank you for the chance to win. Pam

  59. This was SOOO much fun.. I just love this sketch.. I just found your site..I am new to bloggin and I know where I will be ALL the time now.. :) here. I love your blog.. so much talent.. I posted my sketch in the Midnight Magic Challenge 15 too.. I can't wait to see the next sketch.. Thanks again for such a fun and talented blog..

  60. I've had your badge on my blog for a long time. I finally entered a challenge! I loved working with the sketch. 2amscrapper

  61. I played it safe with the sketch. I've got some ideas for other sketch so I hope I can play again sometime.

  62. Here is my take on the sketch! I love it!! :)


  63. Please consider my entry for the GDT (Mr. Linky #123). I really liked this sketch!
